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Knappa Schools Foundation



About Us

The KSF Mission Statement is ''To provide resources to enhance education and encourage individual success for the students of Knappa Schools.'' Now in its sixteenth year, KSF has been very successful in its efforts to improve the quality of education in our community. Funds raised through the annual dinner and auctions have been used in a three-point approach to fulfilling our mission statement. First, KSF awards scholarships each year to deserving students entering that critical first year of post-secondary education. To date those scholarships total over $170,550. Secondly, KSF awards mini-grants to encourage innovation in the classroom and access to technology. Total mini-grant awards exceed $200,003 through 2012. Lastly, KSF has continually invested portions of the fundraising revenue since its inception. Foundation assets now total over $869,204, with the inclusion of the most recent gift from the Merrill Estate. These invested assets will be enhancing and encouraging Knappa schools and its students into perpetuity.