Medix Ambulance Service

- 2325 SE Dolphin Avenue Warrenton OR 97146
- (503) 861-5554
- Dispatch 503-861-1990
- (503) 861-5555
- Send Email
- Visit Website
Dispatch 503-861-1990
Office hours, Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Driving Directions:
Driving North on Hwy 101, take a right onto Dolphin Ave.
Travel to 2325 SE Dolphin Avenue and take a right into parking area.
About Us
Medix Ambulance provides advanced life support 9-1-1 ambulance response for all of Clatsop County in Oregon and parts of Pacific County, Washington (City of Long Beach, City of Ilwaco, and Pacific County Fire District #2). All Medix Ambulance Paramedics and EMTs are dual certified in the states of Oregon and Washington. Dispatch 503-861-1990
Medix Ambulance has a long history of service in the very rural setting of the northern Oregon and southern Washington communities it serves. Known as a dependable and professional health care provider, the company?s outstanding track record of performance has earned it the goodwill of EMS policy makers, the medical community, and citizens.
Medix Ambulance responds to more than 6,500 ambulance requests for service and approximately 7,000 wheelchair requests for service annually.
Medix Ambulance meets or exceeds the EMS response time requirements for all service zones we cover.