State Senator Betsy Johnson

State Senator
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Betsy Johnson (D-Scappoose) serves as the Senator for Senate District 16. Her father, the late Sam Johnson, was a member of the House of Representatives from Redmond. Her mother, Becky Johnson, served on numerous State Boards, including the State Board of Higher Education and the Teachers Standards and Practices Commission.
Betsy received her undergraduate degree in History from Carleton College.
Employer: Oregon State Legislature
Position: State Senator
Time Period: January 2005 to present
Location: Scappoose, OR, United States
Description: State Senator Johnson resigned from her House seat 1/19/05 to fill the Senate seat vacated by Joan Dukes who was appointed by the Governor to the Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Planning Council.
Employer: Oregon State Legislature
Position: State Representatitive
Time Period: November 2000 to January 2005
Description: Senator Johnson was first elected to the Oregon House in the November 7, 2000 election, representing House District 1.