Chamber members and members of the public may submit event information for inclusion on the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce’s online community calendar, if that event is open to the general public, occurs within/near to the Astoria and Warrenton area and abides by our Community Event Calendar Policy. Post your event using the public submission form, or chamber members login to your dashboard.
Washington State International Kite Festival
The Washington State International Kite Festival (WSIKF) is a week-long kite celebration and competition held annually during the third full week of August. Starting on Monday and ending on Sunday this Long Beach, Washington State vacation extravaganza boasts skies ablaze with color, high flying action and choreographed movement.
Washington's Kite Festival draws famous kite fliers from all around the world, and tens of thousands of awed spectators, many of which participate in the fun with their own kite flying adventures. Plan ahead and don’t miss out! We have multiple events and activities scheduled everyday.
World Kite Museum
Home of the Washington State International Kite Festival
303 Sid Snyder Drive
PO Box 964
Long Beach, WA 98631
Although the event isn't itself in Astoria or Warrenton, we have listed this event to help set expectations for a busy weekend in our region.
Date and Time
Monday Aug 17, 2026 Sunday Aug 23, 2026
See schedule on website.
Long Beach Peninsula, WA