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Boost Your Financial Knowledge and Grow Your Small Business With This Guide

Offer Valid: 03/16/2023 - 03/17/2025

Growing a small business can be a challenging process for anyone, but with the right tools and understanding of all the aspects that go into expanding a company, it's much less stressful. One of the most important aspects of business success is understanding your finances. The Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce understands the importance of financial knowledge and has compiled a list of tips to help you prioritize your business finances for long-term growth. Let's take a look:

Take Classes for Accounting

Learning the basics of accounting is crucial when it comes to managing your finances. Taking classes or even studying online can help you understand key concepts such as bookkeeping, budgeting, and tracking expenses. These classes will also give you insight into how certain decisions may affect your cash flow.

Understand The Importance of Cash Flow

Cash flow is essential in any business setting, especially when it comes to keeping up with payments and bills. Keeping track of receipts and invoices can help make sure that payments are made on time, which in turn keeps credits intact and raises your credibility with vendors or lenders. Additionally, having an understanding of cash flow helps you plan ahead if there are any fluctuations in revenue or unexpected expenses that arise.

Build Up Business Credit

Having good credit is important when it comes to running a successful small business. Paying all bills on time, keeping lines of credit open but unused and making sure accounts are up to date can help build good credit for your business, which will come in handy if you ever need any type of financing down the line. Consider downloading a credit monitoring app that will help you stay on top of your score.

Implement Software To Manage Finances

Using software like QuickBooks or Mint can help you keep track of your finances easily and accurately so that nothing falls through the cracks. This software can help organize income, expenses, and other financial documents with ease, allowing you to spot potential issues quickly before they become major problems down the line. It can also help you keep all of your financial information organized so that tax time won't be so stressful.

Use PDF Tools To Get Signatures

PDFs are a great way to store financial documents securely while also being able to send those documents electronically through email or upload them to secure cloud storage systems for easy access later on. Additionally, files stored as PDFs are not easily edited or manipulated, which helps protect sensitive data from being tampered with or stolen by unauthorized users. PDFs also provide e-signature tools, giving you a document that you can send securely to a customer or vendor when you need them to sign.     

Avoid Debt

It’s important to keep debt from becoming a big problem while running a small business, as this could lead up unexpected late fees or other related charges and can also affect your ability to take out new lines of credit. If taking out loans is absolutely necessary, then be sure to pay off those loans as soon as possible in order minimize any interest accrued over time from unpaid balances. You can also look for small business grants in your area, which don't have to be paid back.


Having an understanding about small businesses finances is key when it comes to thriving in today's competitive marketplace, and there are several things you can do to learn more about it. Whether you want to take a few classes on accounting or look for online PDF tools that will make managing important financial documents easier, the key is to have a solid plan in place for every aspect of your company. The more you know about the money that's coming and going within your business, the easier it will be to continue growing.


The Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce has lots of resources available for small business owners who are looking to grow. Take a look today!


This Hot Deal is promoted by Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce.